
We help you understand how our monetary system works and affects you, so you can protect and preserve your hard-earned income.

Economics should be simple to understand. Despite what pundits, government officials, and economics students say, you do not need a PhD (or any degree) to understand basic economics and how our monetary system affects you.

So why do they make it seem so hard? The rich and powerful do not want you to understand how our money works, because they benefit from your ignorance. This site is your tool to better understand how they benefit at your expense, and what you can do about it.

Who am I?

I’m Sidd, an independent researcher on the topic of monetary systems and economics. 

The 2008 financial crisis and recession sparked my interest in money and markets. After years scouring Investopedia, textbooks, and financial news to understand what happened and why, I was left with more questions than answers. Nobody could explain to me in clear, straightforward terms how money and credit are created, why central banks exist, or why bankers are so well paid.

Through my undergraduate studies on the history and sociology of technology at the University of Pennsylvania, I discovered a vast history of money and markets that modern economic theories and resources never mentioned. These histories held simple answers to nagging questions and showed that our current monetary system suffers from deep flaws, many of which led to the collapse of past civilizations from Ancient China to the Roman Empire.

After graduation, I experienced the reality of our financial and monetary systems through stock and cryptocurrency trading as well as many years spent building innovative financial products at a bank. In my spare time, I spent countless hours studying economic theory and monetary history to better understand what our past can tell us about our future.

This site is my way of conveying those lessons of history to you. I want my writing to be understood over a beer on a Friday night – no technical terms or PhD necessary. My goal is to help you better prepare yourself for a future we can all sense will be stranger than the past.

Thinking about monetary history by the sea
Thinking about the history of money by the sea.

If you like what I’m doing, I could use your help. 

Share my work with your friends and family. Every person I can reach is a blessing.

You can also donate to me in Bitcoin via the address/QR code or Bitcoin’s Lightning Network using the tippin.me button below.

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